Thursday, April 23, 2009


This was done to match my sister-in-law's nursery. We can match any nursery theme you have. We also have other decoupage letters that are unrelated to babies. We hope to post those pictures very soon so check back.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


We are offering a full line of Decoupage letters. This set was done for a baby boy nursery.
We can do one letter or an entire word/name. Hopefully to have more examples soon.


We have only finished Baby blue ones but we will have the following colors as well:
Hot Pink and Brown
Hot Pink and Black (my favorite!)
Teal and Brown
Baby Blue
Baby Pink (we can add brown to it)
White---good for Baby or Wedding...can add a colored bow for a wedding
Black for Halloween

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April is here!

Only 5 weeks left! We have gotten a lot done since the last post! Still lots more to go but things are coming together. I really should be posting the pictures I have taken but I don't have them on this computer. Sorry!
Until then!